How to Install Workflow Manager Offline

Many times when working on a client’s servers they are not allowed outbound access to the internet and the client may not have the latest versions of prerequisites available. There are several blogs that indicate how to install offline versions of these prerequisites, but I encountered an error recently when trying to grab Workflow Manager for SharePoint 2013.

Can’t find product with id WorkflowManger.”

Install the command line installer.

SharePoint 2013 Old Workflow Refresh Command Line

So if you use the command WebpiCMd.exe /Offline /Products:WorkflowManager /Path:”Your Path Here” you get the error that it can’t find Workflow Manager.

New Workflow Manager Refresh Command Line

Instead use WebpiCMd.exe /Offline /Products:WorkflowManagerRefresh /Path:”Your Path Here”

This is because WorkflowManager was changed to WorkflowManagerRefresh as of Jan 2014. UPDATE When writing this blog I found that there is a new MSDN blog that addresses the issue: WebPIcmd /offline /Products:WorkflowManager versus /Products:WorkflowManagerRefresh